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Meet The Team

Backed By Great People,
100% Customer Focused.

The most important asset to our company, is our people. Our team was built with you as our focus.

Guro Bhandal Headshot

Gurp Bhandal

NMLS#: 724761
Marta McLeod

Marta McLeod

SVP, Mortgage Lending
NMLS#: 484705
Yvette Bealer

Yvette Bealer

SVP, Mortgage Lending
NMLS#: 695205
Sunny Deol

Sunny Deol

SVP, Mortgage Lending
NMLS#: 2241588
Robby Dhaliwal

Robby Dhaliwal

VP, Mortgage Lending
NMLS#: 2378499
Ray Chadha

Ray Chadha

VP, Mortgage Lending
NMLS#: 2407123

Yvonne Meyer

Branch Manager
NMLS#: 461813

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